Friday, October 30, 2009


A blister on my lower lip,keep told me it be a cold sore,his he wrong.?
it bleeds 2/3 times per day started a month ago my lips were incredibly dry and cracked during the last heat wave. - do you seriously expect an accurate diagnosis here? Why do you imagine your doctor spent years training? btw what...

A blood experiment interview?
can u tell if youve been eaten out on (ur vaJ have been sucked) from a blood test? my friend here is nervous - No, the levels of white and red blood cells, and things resembling oxygen, sugar, cholesterol, etc. - offers confidential, convenient and affordable online blood testing, wellness screening tests, HIV/STD test,...

A Chlamydia quiz...?
Can you have Chlamydia for 5 months and still have no type of symptoms? - It is possible. Most males with STDs do not manifest symptoms. - it is possible to have chlamydia and not have symptoms. If untreated, it can cause serious problems. Get checked if you hold reason to believe you are infected. It is...

A client basically come contained by near a really fruitless overnight case of Herpes.?
I had a client enter the business where I work and hand me an application. When I looked up at her, the woman have a horrible case of Herpes all over her face and mouth. The business business wasn't urgent (she could have waited!) so I sent...

A couple question roughly speaking cold sores.?
My sister's husband has herpes. He takes Valtrex. I rarely ever get hold of cold sores but just recently went to drop by them in another state. On the plane ride home a couple days ago, I could feel one coming. Now I have a big one. my question - f this is...

A creature have antibodies agaist the measles virus. Identify three ways within which these antibodies could be acqui?
i need best answers for my exams - search on the internet - - by having the measels virus ...and I'll agree to you find out the third. - vertically from mother's milk, non-specific innate immunity through T-cell independent B cells, and...

A cross-examine for phlebotomists!?
I'm doing phlebotomy, this is my first week of labs(venipuncture) and i did wonderful the first four days but now its like i have lost my touch.. I KEEP MISSING! (Im kinda frustrated nearly it) any tips from phlebotomist out there? - I have been doing Phlebotomy for 30 years don't seize frustrated. I...

A cross-examine roughly herpes?
if you perform fellatio on someone and they have a condom on can you catch anything? had a condom on so you would not be possible to get any thing from them, unless you meandered away from the condom. If he have cold sores or oral herpes then there would be some thing to verbs about.

A cross-question almost HIV/AIDS?
Do you think many people "today" (kids/teenagers) who catch infected with HIV are STUPID? I mean really, how many times a daylight do you go to school? Don't you have vigour classes in your school? Some class that can teach you give or take a few "your" health and show you responsibility? I mean, any kids/teenagers who...

A examine in the order of genital wart?
maybe about 4.5 years ago i think i get genital warts. i didn't really do anything about them, just get rid of the warts on the surface. they never came back and haven't have a problem since. can they come once and never come back again? e then i got married hold...

A few bumps on orifice of vagina?
i need a little peace of mine. if you have ANY direction or information at all please tell me. ve similar to 2 bumps on the lips of my vagina. they are the same color as the inside of my vagina. just raise a little. not blisters. i've done alot of research, and...

A few question just about STD's?
I'm a 16 year old girl and sexually active. I"m on the birth control pill and use condoms almost if not everytime. But i suppose it's time to take a STD screening or whatever to make sure I'm verbs regon do you parents get notified whether your clean or not or can it freshly be...

A few years ago, I be a silly girl and slept near a guy who I know used needles near his brother & his...?
brother's girlfriend. However, he said he'd been tested, as has his brother who had split up beside this girl after coming off drugs. I freaked out after he told me he had used previously as we had...

A funky smell from down below...?
So I just recently started birth control and I don't know if that has anything to do beside it or not but for about a 3 days now my nether region has be smelling like garlic. I don't know why but I would like to and I would also like to know how to draw...

A genital infection or STD?
2 days ago i shaved my pubic hair for the first time in my life i am 15 and i am sexually stirring i have red some what itchy and sensitive marks where pelt was growing is there anything wrong with me? - Well unless you own been in a bio hazard nouns for new...

A genital wart problem...?
I think I might have genital warts I own 3 little bumps on the tip of my penis and they are sorta white.I'm only 14 and have never had sexual contact near anyone so is it even possible that I got them?And will I have to go to a doctor or can I loaf till I'm 18...

A girl Im dating have genital herpes, which Im ok beside?
but she asked me to get tested for her, so I did, Im supposed to show her my results, she just started on the pill, but she still insists we use condoms. If my test comes rear clean, I dont see why a condom is necessary, i have genital herpes...

A grill in the region of HIV/AIDs?
Hi, this may seem like a stupid question but i newly want to be as educated as possible before having gay sex. u individual get HIV/AIDs from having sex with someone who have it? Or does it like, just contract after having sex lacking a condom even if both people are disease-free? for...

A grill in the region of HIV?
I heard from a bloke in the pub that scientists think the HIV virus come from monkeys. He said it raises some questions as to how humans first got it. anyone know if what the guy said is true and save what is the theory on it? - some guy fucked a...

A guy put his penis close to my vagina and consequently it be itchy why is that?
i dont have and bumps around my vagina area could it be a yeast infection? - I don't know how old you are but you may not know about diseases and things approaching crabs, which are tiny little bugs that transmit very...

A huge blood blister?
i have been getting these huge blood blisters on my vaginal area. close to not all in it. but people give an account me they are ingrown hairs but why do i get them so much? it hurts and its really annoying. i am a clean creature i dont know why i would get this. this just...

A interview nearly Aids?
If someone has full blown AIDS can it go back to HIV positive? - If you are HIV positive, you are HIV positive. Just because it have progressed to full-blown AIDS doesn't mean you lose your HIV+ status. You still have the virus. medication, sometimes full-blown AIDS can revert back to a lower...

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