Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heart Diseases FAQ

170/88 Blood pressure. What's this propose? I'm as a rule 108/70?
i was at my dr on tues daytime and i was so nervose when i went in my bp be 150/90 and she had to take it again when i calmed down so then it be 132/90 and she said bp really shouldn't go over 140/90 so i would say...

18 year mature feminine, possible heart condition?
For the past year specifically i've had terrible chest pains that later anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. The pains come out of nowhere and i've yet to say anything to anyone because 1. i digit i'm still growing bla bla bla etc etc and 2. with the current financial status of my...

18 year old-fashioned womanly, possible heart condition?
For the past year specifically i've had terrible chest pains that ending anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. The pains come out of nowhere and i've yet to say anything to anyone because 1. i integer i'm still growing bla bla bla etc etc and 2. with the current financial status of my...

2 anomalous ekg's and 1 borderline out of the ordinary ekg?
I went to see my dr. for persistent dull ache and pressure within my chest, Wasn't too bad maybe a 2 on the pain degree. She did a ekg in the office and immediately sent me to the er. I am unsure of exactly what the ekg surrounded by...

2 heart palpitations contained by 2 days... should I be concerned?
I have always had a heart murmur. ually receive a heart palpitation about once a month or so. When I was younger it scared me and I have my heart checked out (I had to wear that device that you try to record your heartbeat when you have a...

2 year infirm beside heart murmer and benign cyanosis?
I took my little grl who is 2 to the doctors as her lips turn blue when she is outside playing or in the bath, she have an ecg and the doctor tod me she has a slight heart murmer and benign cyanosis, I am not that sure what benign cyanosis is,...

20 year ripened next to constant chest tightness for long-gone 3 months that wont walk away?
Please go to a cardiologist and take his advice, do not suspension. - Your body might be reacting to something in your environment that got former your five senses. Here are a few possible things that may affect a person. tray EMF in your...

20 year ripened womanly near tremendously elevated cholesterol. what to avoid/take?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female who just found out around 7 months ago that I have high cholesterol. Back in October (after fasting) i get a blood test to check all my blood, and oddly plenty my cholesterol came back at 234 and my "good cholesterol" be...

21 afternoon heart monitor at 15.?
Im 15 and had the holter monitor a month ago due to chest pain and palpation's along with a constant heart rate of 90+, the reading turned out "okay" but in that was an area where i be doing absolutely nothing and my heart rate spiked for no reason so immediately i have to wear...

21 weeks ultrasound done-detected near single ventricle problem?
Hi All, the theory test be false positive? Do we still have any hopes in the 2nd opinion, ultrasound check? - There are very few false positives and many more false negatives since test generally have very specific guidelines that create a positive result. Did the doctor homily to you about...

21 yr/o feminine. have heart palpatations. chest aching. tightness.?
i can feel my heart hammering in my chest, along with cramp in my chest and throat when i breathe. it started with symptoms of tight chest, like someone be sat on it! but now i get these plapatations esp on a hours of darkness. i took my heart rate during one...

24 Holter monitor results, give a hand.?
the results were: supraventricular ectopy with 1 atrial couplet Max heart rate 134 bpm minimum rate 50 bpm average was 75 bpm ny of this really discouraging, i know its slightly abnormal but im still pretty nervous about it - It's really zilch to worry about. It said your heart beat too...

24 hour holtar moniter audition?
Im going to get hooked up to a holtar moniter today, and was wondering if anyone knew what i cant guzzle before? also my mom said i cant wear anything on my skin, cremes, deodorant, etc. does that mean no mascara? also they say to wear a button up shirt but i dont hold one, will...

25 w/ elevated blood pressure - what to expect from my doctor?
I am 25, technically underweight (but healthy), and am on a whole lot of medication for mental health problems. My last few blood pressure read have been high, today be 151/102. ad has had cholesterol problems for ages, but I haven't heard anything roughly speaking high bp in my...

25 year antiquated feminine... heart problem? Please serve!?
I'll try to make this as short as possible. 25F..mostly healthy, I do have some anxiety issues, which I am not on any medication for. I want to start past its sell-by date by saying that my heart 'condition' seems to be more apparent within the summer months when it is hot outside.

258 Cholesterol Level - Healthy Young Female - How and why? What can I do?
I'm 22 years old and my Cholesterol level is supposedly 258; I donated blood and found this out. My BP is quite good, however. rk out 2-3 times a week - str resistant exercises for an hour long I ride my bike 5-6 days a...

2nd assessment cardiologist appt for a 16 yr old-fashioned?
So im going for a 2nd opinion cardiologist appt on August 25th, im just wondering what they do for a new long-suffering, do they do more tests then normal? my other cardiologist did an resound every year, and an EKG and chest x-ray every 5 or 10 years. So will my new...

3 Heart attacks within the closing 4 years?
Ok now in the last 4 years i own had 3 heart attacks, had 3 stents put into me and i am also a diabetic with neuropathy, be also diagnosed with CHF too. Now lately, for no reason my feet are swelling up on me, they perceive all tight and they hurt like...

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